I'm glad it ended up working for you! The unexpected thing I've found from all of these f4f posts is that there are so many people who are actually sharing interesting things here -- not just online marketing and self help and writing on Medium stuff -- and since those are the people who struggle the most to get seen they're popping up in the comments on these posts to get themselves over the follower threshold.
So, while I probably won't follow someone if they're writing exclusively on the topics above because I'm sick of of reading that cookie cutter stuff, I'm finding all sorts of cool people now who write fiction and poetry and personal essays (and aren't just trying to sell their online courses) and it's kind of awesome.
I also cleared my reading history so I'll see more of my new follows in my feed. I'm excited to see what kind of sub-communities will pop up that are 100% because people are interacting with each other in the comment sections of posts like this.